Conflict resolution
Someone once said, "It would be easy to get things done if you didn't need people to do it." Perhaps it's better to reframe this in a more positive light: we need people working together to get things done. There is an exponential power -and that means work output - when people team up to get things done. Though more gets done, people invariably come into conflict with each other. Problems come along with the territory of any leadership position.
If you use any material from this website, please cite us and also consider a link to our website as this helps us fulfill our mission.
Someone once said, "It would be easy to get things done if you didn't need people to do it." Perhaps it's better to reframe this in a more positive light: we need people working together to get things done. There is an exponential power -and that means work output - when people team up to get things done. Though more gets done, people invariably come into conflict with each other. Problems come along with the territory of any leadership position.
If you use any material from this website, please cite us and also consider a link to our website as this helps us fulfill our mission.
5 principles to help converge different goals
defensive behavior
failed communication
hints for resolving conflicts: proactive steps
hints for resolving conflicts: hearing them out
hints for resolving conflicts: facts and feelings
defensive behavior
failed communication
hints for resolving conflicts: proactive steps
hints for resolving conflicts: hearing them out
hints for resolving conflicts: facts and feelings
Display the Time and Date
Assign values to 2 variables (x&y), add them and then multiply the result by 10. Display the result.
Watch the first two lines change when you click on the button
Robert Winer
Robert I. Winer